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The full course consists of three modules in total.

The faculty was chosen among the best pulmonary function specialists of Belgium appointed at one of the following universities : UAntwerpen, ULB, VUB, UCL, UGent, UHasselt, KULeuven, UNamur, UMons and ULiège.

The course directors are Profs. Eric Derom (UZ Gent), Wim Janssens (UZ Leuven) and Eric Marchand (UCL Mont-Godinne).

If you have any practical questions about the organisation of the courses or if you have technical problems connecting, please contact immediately the BeRS Office :

As a reminder, you must be a BeRS member and register online ( to attend these sessions.

Each module will be presented in two parts : one theoretical part to be viewed online at your best convenience and a second part more practical and interactive to be organised face to face with the various speakers.

The full cycle containing the three modules is organised every 1.5 year, as the duration of each cycle is 1.5 years. In this way, each trainee will have the possibility to attend the full course (three modules) during his-her pneumology traineeship.

Module 1

General topics and obstructive disorders

Module 2

Restrictive disorders, gas exchange, respiratory muscle, hyperventilation, blood gases

Module 3

Sleep and exercise testing


7–8 theoretical online lectures per module (± 45 minutes each) are foreseen. After each lecture, a multiple choice questionnaire about the content will have to answered before having access to the following lecture.


This practical and interactive session will be organised as far as possible in the auditorium of the E-health Valley, in Anderlecht, Brussels.

We thank the following pulmonary function specialists for their involvement in the development of the pulmonary function course module programme:

  • Prof. Guy Brusselle (UGent)
  • Prof. Marie Bruyneel (ULB Hôpital Saint-Pierre)
  • Prof. Chris Burtin (UHasselt)
  • Prof. Bertien Buyse (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Marion Delcroix (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Heleen Demeyer (UGent, KULeuven)
  • Prof. Eric Derom (UGent)
  • Prof. Lieven Dupont (KULeuven)
  • Dr. Stéphanie Everaerts (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Antoine Froidure (UCL Bruxelles)
  • Prof. Shane Hanon (VUB)
  • Prof. Katrien Hertegonne (UGent)
  • Prof. Wim Janssens (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Daniel Langer (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Thérèse Lapperre (UAntwerpen)
  • Prof. Giuseppe Liistro (UCL Bruxelles)
  • Prof. Renaud Louis (ULiège)
  • Prof. Eric Marchand (UNamur)
  • Dr. Gisèle Maury (UCL Mont-Godinne)
  • Prof. Ellie Oostveen (UAntwerpen)
  • Prof. David Ruttens (UHasselt)
  • Prof. Florence Schleich (ULiège)
  • Mrs. Linda Stans (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Dries Testelmans (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Michiel Thomeer (UHasselt)
  • Prof. Thierry Troosters (KULeuven)
  • Prof. Jean-Luc Vachiery(ULB Erasme)
  • Prof. Johan Verbraecken (UAntwerpen)
  • Mr. Sven Verschraegen (UGent)
  • Prof. Andreas von Leupoldt (KULeuven)
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